
Enneagram-spirituality is about how personality relates to spirituality. The enneagram (pronounced any-uh-gram) is a system that groups human behavior into nine basic types. The word "enneagram" sound rather new-age, but is really just a Greek word that simply means "nine drawing." And some of the wisdom of this personality typing system is very, very old, and has been drawn from the Jewish, Christian and Islamic religious traditions.
This ancient wisdom has been combined with modern depth psychology to form this amazing tool. The knowledge gained from studying these nine personality styles can be used in spiritual direction and life coaching, as well as to improve personal and business relationships though greater understanding of how people work.
Everyone has personality. Your personality is the filter through which you experience reality. All people have many things in common. We all need air to breath and food and water to drink. We all experience joy as well as suffering; birth as well as death; blissful times as well as times filled with great sadness and loss. But how we perceive our lives and these experiences depends on our unique personalities. And the enneagram system gives us profound insights into those personalities.

In the enneagram system, there are nine basic personality types. These types show us imbalances in how we perceive reality. For example, some people dwell on melancholy side of life, while others see the world through rose-colored glasses. Some people are relaxed, and others are more anxious and high strung. Some people live more in their heads and others more in their hearts.

In the nature versus nurture debate, most enneagram scholars believe that it is BOTH nature AND nurture. We are "hardwired" from birth to be a certain type. How healthy we are in that type and how well we function in the world are a result of nurture - our experiences in the world.